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Nero issue

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by SadJoker, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    Okay Im getting really irrated with Nero's habit of deciding to skim off the last couple of seconds of every track on the CD.. Im postive its NOT the original MP3/wav thats coming up short. the track lenght shows up in the compliation window exactly as it does on the orignal CD but then after I burn a copy of the CD, all the tracks are ending prematurally. Just cutting off, no fading out.. Just STOPS.. Ive tried adjusting the pause between tracks from 2 to 4 back to 2 seconds..

    CD RW stats : LG 12x8x32 running the latest firmware drivers, using the newest APSI drivers.. Any ideas wtf is going on ?
  2. tigre

    tigre Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I know cutoffs that are caused by read/write offsets of drives used for copying, but I'm talking about some 100 samples, so hardly more than 0.1 second (in extreme cases). You say it's on wav and mp3 files the same? So it can't be mp3 decoder. Hard to say what it is. I would give re-installing Nero a try and/or try another burning software like ExactAudioCopy (available at this site's software section) which will help to find the problem.
  3. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    The problem seems to only crop up on the CD after I burned the MP3's to the CD.. all the tracks rip properly and come up at their proper tracklenght but when I use Nero to make an audio cd somewhere along the lines Nero is shaving off the last couple of seconds. Could be 0.1 seconds, I havent timed the loss down to an exact time.

    Anyway, I expirmented with Acoustica's CD burning app , low and behold : No problems with the tracks at all. think I;ll try reinstalling Nero and going by trial and error one by one thru My burning apps.. thanx for the tip!
  4. tigre

    tigre Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    If it's an mp3-only issue you could try mausau's lame mp3 plugin for nero: http://neroplugins.cd-rw.org/. To make sure that it's used for mp3-to-audo-CD decoding you have to remove (or rename to something like .dlx) mp3pro_dmo.dll from nero\shared\audioplugins (or the mp3 decoder dll your nero version uses, e.g. if you have bought nero's mp3 encoder).

    If someone knows another way to choose the mp3 decoder plugin for audio CD burning in nero if several mp3 plugins are installed, please drop a note here.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2003
  5. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    thanks tigre.. I do believe it was Nero's sorry excuse for a decoder that was giving me so much trouble.. I had installed Nero along with the 'standard' mp3 encoder then got mp3PRO which neither worked anyway.. I finally did just removed both of them and installed the lame mp3 decoder.. So far havent had any problems, then again I havent gotten around to burning any live recorderings ~laff~

    anyway, thanks for the help! was driving me crazy having my cd tracks cut off like that

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