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Read Data Examination Error in Alcohol120%

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by jstin, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. jstin

    jstin Guest

    I'm trying to backup Disk 1 of Sims2 pc, (SafeDisk2), with a Sony DVD +/- RW D56A burner, (Liteon sosw-852s).

    This is my first attempt to backup a protected cd. I'm sick of replacing my kids Sims2 game, just trying to backup disk 1 which takes all the abuse since it's needed to begin each session.

    I get multiple "Read Data Examination Error" messages, then the errors stop and the image completes rather quickly. The image burns seemingly well to a CD-R, (I slowed the write speed to 4x)but when prompted for the disk to begin the game, it won't work, no error messages just a delay & the "Encountered Problem.....send - don't send..." message.....

    Datatype set to SafeDisk 2/3, Clone CD option used.

    Anbody have any ideas?
  2. jstin

    jstin Guest

    Forgot to mention that I did the process above on my laptop with the intention of using the newly burned cd on my desktop which is basically the kids machine. The disk goes into the installation process on my laptop but messes up on the desktop. Must be a drive compatibility issue....?
  3. BondGE

    BondGE Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    Here's what I did. I went to www.gamecopyworld.com and downloaded Game Jackal for $10. This program allows you to play any game without a disk at all. This way you don't even have to spend time burning copy after copy. Its a very easy program to use. You should download the free trial version and try it.
  4. gamerx22

    gamerx22 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    you could also try just making an image of the first disk to the sims 2 and mounting it to the virtual drive of alcohol 120% and see if it plays, if it plays just keep it like that, and you won't need to make a back up cd. no wasted attempts, no wasted cd's, and no more need to replace the disks. i did it with my command and conquer tiberian sun, because i don't want to keep the disk in the cd-rom the whole time i'm playing.

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