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Burn MPEG files to DVD using Nero Recode

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by Whompyyyy, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. Whompyyyy

    Whompyyyy Member

    Jun 8, 2005
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    I have transferred my VHS movies to my computer in MPEG format. They need to be compressed to fit a 4.7G DVD. When using Nero Recode I add the files but the next button is still greyed out. My VHS recorder is routed through an HP DVD writer instead of a video capture card. Why can I not burn a DVD with Nero Recode using MPEG formated files?
    Currently I am using Adobe Premiere to burn them to a DVD, but a 2 hour movie takes 10 hours to encode and burn, I know that Nero is a lot faster.
    Any suggestions on alternatives or how to use Nero Recode to burn these to DVD? I have tried using Nero to burn to DVD but it tells me the files are too big so I need a way to compress them but would like something faster than 10 hours.
    I read on another post about connecting your VCR to your camcorder and through your firewire to capture video, would this work in Nero Recode?
  2. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    Recode wants dvd files to start with. Try vision or vision express whichever you have.
  3. Whompyyyy

    Whompyyyy Member

    Jun 8, 2005
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    Thanks that worked fine. Now another question. Why can't I capture using Nero Vision Express through my HP DVD writer? I can get picture, but the bitrate is too high and will not allow me to adjust it low enough, all I get is static, very LOUD static.
  4. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    If you are refering to the dc3000 or dc4000 it may not like nero. You may have to use the capture software that came with it.
  5. Whompyyyy

    Whompyyyy Member

    Jun 8, 2005
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    Yes it is the dc3000 and it came with showbiz software and muvee program, but I would like one program that would do it all in a reasonable matter of time. Right now I can capture either on the Showbiz software or the Adobe Premiere. Capture on Showbiz then use Nero to recode it, capture on Adobe and like I said it takes at least 10 hours to complete a 2 hour movie, and I have to shut down everything and not use the computer at all during that time, if I do try and run something else, even IM, it freezes and I have 2G ram. I know that with any of the programs it takes a lot of memory, but before I only had 1G and I could at least use messenger or email so Adobe must be one huge memory hog.

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