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Installing xbox hd in a linux pc

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by monster1, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. monster1

    monster1 Member

    Aug 24, 2005
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    I have a pc with suse linux running on it and i was wondering if I could avoid ftp by just plugging in the xbox hd and transfering files from one drive(my pc) to the other (my xbox hd)

    anyones help or sujestions would be greatly apreciated

    p.s. i know ftp would b easier but i cant ftp cuz my xbox was modded then i accidentally messed with some files and now i have a code 13 on boot but i can still play games
  2. yt72

    yt72 Guest

    yes you can you dont even need linx but if you question is can you with a linx runing computer you will have to change a few system things for it to read the catch and you will need the hdd extentionb cable but you probibly know that
    and you cant fu k up your xbox hdd but you can fuk up your com

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