ok guys i talked to this modder and he said i need to download a whole bunch of stuff to modd. so what i decided to do is to ask one of u guys to mod an xbox for halo2. i dont meen like lites a and stuff im talking about soft modding. i will pay you just say the price. i will not pay over 200. please guys help me out bc im not really good on computers
Hey man, don't listen to him. I'll walk it through with you for free. I softmoded my xbox fine. PM me for my email address.
listen to volcom hes not gonna rip u off but sending it to somone you dont no who might not be legit is jsut asking for it, go for it volcom
Thanks for the support everyone. Lol he still hasnt PM'ed me. If only people wern't so lazy. Guys I'm willing to help anyone who wants to do it themselves. I will hold your hand and be with you every step of the way when softmodding, and I can contribute some tips when hardmodding your box. PM ME!!!
i would actually recomend a hardmod it jsut owrks better wiht less groaning and anguish, just my opinion.
Well still hardmodding isnt that hard and their are some (not as reliable) solderless modchips out there. Soldering isnt that hard i did it for my first time and it worked, jsut be sure to get an LPC rebuild circut board.
hey i got a hard mod and i want to play on xbox live with it is it true i will get my xbox baned if i do this i really need to kn0w this cause i really want to mod so if someone could help my please
T man they can't bannd ur x-box if you want to mod on Live then i sugest you use a 2 month they can only bannd that not ur x-box
i know i can get a 2 month but ive heard that xbox live can ban your ip adress with soft mods but i dont have soft mods i have hard mods and thats where i heard that you can get banned cause xbox live ditecs that you have a mod chip and thats when they delete your eprong number and thats where my problom is i dont want to get banned perminetly so somone help me please
K pbstar dont talk about things u dont understand, let mmomy and daddy sort this out. Tanman yes you can get ur xbox permenantly banned by logging with a mod enabled, ur xbox's tsop is banned (kinda like aserial number for ur hardware) anyway its banned forever. U can play wiht a hard modded xbox but its not good with a soft modde done. Hard mods u can disable.
ok thanks thats all i was wondering hopfuly one day they will have a patch for it so it will like feed xbox live false eprong number or somthin like that well thx agin