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Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by mister164, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. mister164

    mister164 Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I have been using Nero for several years. I think it is version 5. I recently had to reinstall my operating system and Nero. Now when I try to burn to CD I get a multisesion warning. I have a CD with Excell files on it. When I placed the CD in the burner I got the following warning. "The track you selected was not created using Nero's multisession option. References to your local files cannot be automatically restored."
    I have been burning to this CD with Nero for a few years with out this problem. I'm not sure I fully understand what a multisesion CD is. I am mostly worried about the part that states "References to your local files cannot be automatically restored." Does this mean I will lose files? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    That just means you been using packet writing and the local files means on your hard drive. Packet writing was made so that when you click save and save it to the disk it checks the files folder on the hard drive to see if the file has just been edited and can simply be updated or if it has to be overwritten. I say with using packet writing in this case incd to be safe make a second copy of the disk in case something does go wrong.
  3. mister164

    mister164 Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I am somewhat computer stupid so bear with me if I am not understanding what it is you are saying.
    I have not picked any files to be written to the disk. This warning appears when I open Nero. Also, this is a regular CD and not a RWCD so there isn't anyway to overwrite what is already on the CD.
    I don't understand what you mean when you said
    "it checks the files folder on the hard drive to see if the file has just been edited and can simply be updated or if it has to be overwritten." Is this going to change files on my hard drive?
    The files I would eventually pick to put on the disk are new files.
  4. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    I thought thats what I understood you to be saying. That goes even further to point to you where using incd if you did or did not know you where. That is the only way you could have been using the same disk for a few years now as you said without any trouble before now.

    By using packet writing you can overwrite files and edit files on the disk up until you finaly get around to finalizing the disk. Then you could no longer write to the disk. Thats why it had referance files on the hard drive even if you didnt know they where there.

    Its kinda like when you open a document from inside a zip file and edit it and then save it back in the zip file. The next time you open the file inside the zip file it would give you a prompt saying something to like the file at whatever location in the temp folder has changed sense last use and offer to automatic update the file. That is a type of referance file as well.

    It sounds like you where using incd and not now. Thats why I say make a backup of the disk first before attemptimg to write to it again. If you dont or if you have already wrote to it and you can no longer access what was on it you can use isobuster to get to what was on it.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2006
  5. mister164

    mister164 Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    You are saying that since I reinstalled the operating system and all data on the hard drive was erased Nero doesn't see any reference files on the hard drive that coincide with this CD and it is confused with the CD?
    Would I have the same problem burning to this CD from a difference computer since another computer does not have the temp file.

    When I get the warning "References to your local files cannot be automatically restored" is this referring to the temp files on the hard drive and not he files on the CD? If I say OK to this will the files already saved on the CD be currupted? Your first reply would say the files might be corrupted. In this case do I need to reburn all my cds?

    Using a rewritable CD I understand that a file can be overwriten with a new file of the same name. I lost a lot of information becuase of that once. Now I only use writeable CD becuase I thought I understood that any files on this type of CD cannot be overwriten at any time.
  6. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    No I think we are still crosed up here. What I am trying to say in my probably crude and hard to understand maner. Is it is telling you that the disk was not made as multisesion disk at the time of the other burns so any referances to the files that where on the hard drive (referances not files) are no longer there. So they can not be automatic updated. For instance as you said you have been putting excel files on it. It sees the files on the disk and sees it was a packet writing disk so as far as it knows you where using the packet writing the way it was intended to be used. For instance you could have been working in excel with the cd in the drive and when saveing the doc from excel you chose save as and gave it a name and saved direct to the cd. Then the next time you wanted to work on the same doc you open it and do whatever to it and just hit save it would save it to the same file name as you gave it before but save it to the cd therefore adding to or overwriting the original file that was there and updating the referance on the hard drive. That is what it means by referances to local files.
  7. mister164

    mister164 Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I will accept the fact that I don't know how a writable CD works compared to a rewriteable CD and maybe do some experimenting later.

    Actually what I have been doing with the excell files is this. I have an excell file on my hard drive labeled ABC-10-12-05. I update the file on 11-23-05 I and save it on my hard drive as abc-11-23-05 etc. I eventually say gee I should back up these files so I write them to the CD and continue doing the same thing over again.

    The statement "References to your local files cannot be automatically restored." still scares me. The way I am using the burner I don't think I care about the reference files do I? Saying OK to this warning will not affect my files on either the CD or the hard drive? It would only affect reference files on the hard drive.

    Thank you for your patience.
  8. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    I would think that asumption would be correct. With it being the posability that it was incd before and still may be. We have not decided for sure on that part of it. Incd was and is known for doing strange things at times. I would at least copy all the files from the disk to a folder on the hard drive first so if something does go wrong you have them all to make a new cd with.

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