How do u do this? the first time i burned a movie a message popped up asking if i wanted to do this and i said yes and the movie appeared fine, now i want to do it again so the movie i am burning will fit. anyone know how to do this?
Cmon guys i really need to know so i can burn this for somone i promised to. i dunno how to make nerovision automatically reduce quality to make the video fit onto a 80min CD.
why not increase the quality and burn it to a dvd instead. burning a movie onto a cd-r is just old news... those days are gone, and with prices as low as they are now for good quality dvds, you can't go wrong. plus, it may even get you a better quality pic and sound.. assuming you have downloaded an .avi file off the net.. make sure you have the latest version of nero.
Did you by any chance click the "Never display this message again" box? Lets say that you didn't and for some reason clicked "No" and saved the project to try again later. That won't work either as the pop-up won't umm.... pop-up. You have to start a new project. Just trying to help... might not have though.
anyways how do i start a new project? i go to go make supervideocd and then i add the video i want but it doesnt prompt up to ask me. i also have a problem where i add a video that is like 2 hours long but then nero just crashes. i dont have any Dvd-r right now and im just trying to burn a movie to test if my dvd can playback burnt movies and testing out the new nero 7. i think i will get sum Dvd-r's this weekend.
in that case, get you a dvd+r and just booktype it to dvd-rom to make it more compatible with your player...just be sure to buy quality media, such as taiyo yuden, verbatim, sony, maxell (MIJ)..
On my machine the pop-up only appears if I select this option: Nobody asked, but my fav medium is Verbatim CD-R jt
Open Nero Vision 4 Click on Make DVD or in your case Make CD and then Video CD Click on More>> Click on Configure... Make your Application Settings choices... should be self-explanatory Have you explored the help? (question mark in a blue circle) There is a simulation that might prove helpful: