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interresting results backing up game without mod chip or pso or bba

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by johnodd4, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    well i have been trying to figure out a way to make a backup of a gamecube disk using nero and i found out that the incryption on gamecube disks from japan and china are light on encryption i found this out when i tried to backup my pikmin 1 from japan for my gamecube on my pc i found out that it will read the disk but labels the disk the same way as a dreamcast disk with zero bytes free and zero bytes used

    drawback there is still some sort of security logger that exsists so when nero trys to copy the disk sector by sector the disk immediatly generates a bad disk error and stops the backup process

    weird results though??
  2. fozzebear

    fozzebear Guest

    and this is using that Save Track option in Nero correct or just a straight copy image to disc...
  3. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    it is using the track by track sector by sector method and becuase of some weird file on the cd the cd for the gamecube won't copy
  4. fozzebear

    fozzebear Guest

    so still no way to put in a gc disc in a dvd drive on a pc and back up a game yet huh?

    o my haha
  5. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    yes but i find it weird that a japanese game from another country would read in the cd drive but not copy kinda weird because gamecube disks are not suppose to be read at all from a pc cd-rom drive

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