I am running nero 7 and want to burn realplayer (avi) files from the incoming folder of my emule. However when I go to load these files to the Recode section to make them fit the disc I have, Nero does not "see" the files. only various folders which are stored in "Incoming", none of which contain the material I want. Please can you help a poor n00b? Thanks in advance
Are you sure the files are avi and not .rm .ram .rmvb .rpx .smi .smil? Which are extinsions for realplayer.
Hmmmm. That is odd. I might understand it not converting them or something. Not even seeing them has me stumped. Will they play in showtime or wmp?
Yeah the files play in realplayer, showtime and wmp. Nero can see the files if I just load them into the "make a dvd movie" section, but not in "recode". But of course if I load them into the former it just tells me that the clip is too big for my disc. I know the easy way out is to buy a dual layer disc, but I hate being defeated by a computer program...!
Ahhh. I see know. Recode will not load them. I was missing that point. Recode is for dvd files. Open them in vision and just tell it to burn the dvd to the hard drive. Then you can recode them to the size you want.
Whompus you are a star - that worked perfectly and I have watched my movie. So easy when you know how. I'd buy you a beer if I could!! Thanks again, Dave