My girlfriend bought me a Sony. NW-E403( for christmas. Its a 256mb MP3 player, on the box it says it can hold 170 songs, but right now I can only fit about 33-36 on it. I think Im using the software wrong and that I should be compressing my files down, note that I usually use 320kb audio quality when I copy cds to my harddrive. Anybody have any ideas what I need to do to shrink these thigns down? Or recommend another program thats compatable with this player
I would encode your MP3's at 192 or 128 if you really have to. Anything below that will be crap quality. As your listening through your headphones it wont matter as much.
if you use 192, you won't be able to tell much difference in the audio quality of that, and the origional CD. You should use EAC to rip your music onto your HDD, as it is the best ripper around. Guide can be found here.
Ive changed my playlist from 320, to 128 for my mp3 player. I can get 64 songs on it right now, even though the box says 170 approx. I think if I go to 192k quality, I wont fit as much as Id like to get onto it.