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File too large to burn to media

Discussion in 'DVD2One forum' started by eddiechi, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. eddiechi

    eddiechi Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    I just ran into a problem I've never seen before.... I was trying to back up a copy of BlackDawn.... I used dvd decrypter with AnyDVD running, then I used DVD2to1 to compress it and when it was done it said the file size was about 4284mb or something close to that but when I went to burn it using Nero it said the cpacity of the DVD is not sufficient or the file is to large to burn to this DVD......... and listed the file saize as 4585 or something close to that.... so then I tried again using dvd decrypter but this time selected the option" main movie files only" and used DVD2to1 and tried to burn and had the same outcome... don't know why this file becomes too large when I go to burn it..... I am using sony DVD 810 and have backed up numerous movies with no setbacks until now...... any input would be greatly appreciated......

  2. maddagger

    maddagger Member

    Jun 25, 2004
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    use dvdfab express,copy just the movie itself. sit back and relax.
    carpe diem
  3. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    even though you think its 4284mb but the computer states the figure as 4585mb you will probably find that the computer is right.But you only have 4.38 gig on a disc and really only want to burn to 4200 megThe reason i say this is the ink at the very edge of the disc is not very even and you will experience errors if you burn past the 4200mb mark.

    An alternative would be to change your program to shrinkdvd and select full disc backup.It will compress your movie to fit the 4.38gig dvdr you have .You will be able to copy the whole disc.
  4. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    If U have CloneDVD just run the movie U compressed through it..Clone is very fast & Udo not need that much more compression OR SHRINK

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