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Photo upload in profile

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by rundata, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. rundata

    rundata Guest

    I upload a photo and it doesnt display a thumbnail of it, ive made the picture smaller and smaller but still no thumbnail.. there appears to be some kinda problem goin on here... any help appriciated
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    This has been covered before, but two things affect this:

    -first of all, animated GIFs are problematic and our current thumbnail system isn't able to create thumbs out of these

    -second one relates to browsers. Basically as you upload the image, go view its thumb, its normally not there immediately, as it takes about 5 mins to generate a thumb, as its a schedule, not on-demand, system. Meanwhile, your browser caches the "no thumbnail available" image and even after the real thumbnail is done, you continue to see the "no thumb avail" image instead of the real thumbnail, as your browser keeps the image it originally received, in its cache. To overcome this, wait few minutes and keep Shift pressed on your keyboard and hit refresh button, that forces browser to clean its cache.

    We plan to address both issues in near future, we just have one major project currently under construction and wont be able to go through profile section's bugs until we get that one launched. Also remember that the profile section is still in "public beta", so bugs, etc are to be expected and we basiclly want to gather some user experiences first before goingf in and making it "really live" and fixing all the issues that have arised during the beta period.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2006

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