Well all was working fine until yesterday. Nero started giving me illegal disc / disc-at-once errors when i tried to burn dvd's. So i tried DVD Decryptor and got this error.. any ideas what to do?
It's a bad disc. Bad brand I mean. What brand is it? I think I got that error once, but that was a bad burn i was trying to do b/c shrink gave a crc on it. But for you it's probably best to just get better media. Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim are good. Sony and fuji are good to but they have to be made in japan.
Ridisc 8x DVD-r.. ive had no problem with these until yesterday, out of the blue, tried over 30 of them, about 4 worked
I would try those brands that I listed above. I don't ridisc is all that great of a brand. You could just buy a 5 pack or something just to test it and see it it's the disc, see if that fixes it. I'm pretty sure it will.
Try updating your firmware, if you haven't done so, then go here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php and get the latest firmware for you burner. On the other, I highly recommend top notch media like YUDEN, Verbatim "advanced azo/datalife plus" and Maxell (mij Hitachi) only for dvd movies burning -- yes, these are top notch and you can't go wrong with them. Keep in mind to burn at 4X for best (one of the safest) and most recommended speed. Good luck!!
What is your burner's brand and model number, good chance it's a rebadge and goes under a different name. I'll find it ofr you if you give the brand and model number. Or your current firmware right now.
hi. ATAPI DVD DD 2X16X4X16 Firmware Revision: G7N9 I havent a clue on the brand, using a thing called DVDinfo and it doesnt tell me either :|
That's the BenQ 1620, your firmware is about 3 versions back, current is G7V9, here is link to it: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1905
thanks. i updated but still no luck. i think the discs are just faulty as some work now and then but the rest mainly fail.