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Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by tronyca, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. tronyca

    tronyca Guest

    i was searching this website fo help on we sites but i cant find any.

    Any way i am looking for premade webpages and the codes so that i can upload it on on my web space.

    a nother thing i need to know how can i link files from my web page to my computer e.g.music video clip ect.

    how can i change my backgound colour.

    U see my problem is that i dont know anything about webpage design .

    Ok is their a program out ther that allows me to make wepages without everhaving to in codes.
  2. Darkhadou

    Darkhadou Regular member

    Dec 31, 2004
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    Just look for HTML guids, Dreamweavers the best at helping you design it without knowing codes but your gonna need em somewhere sooner or later. Here's a HTML Guide I recommend you learn it if you want to make a site, http://www.davesite.com/webstation/html
  3. tronyca

    tronyca Guest

    ok some one made me a webpage but i dont know how to put image and flash files in it help please
  4. Darkhadou

    Darkhadou Regular member

    Dec 31, 2004
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    your gonna have to insert the tag <img src="URL OF FILE OR LOCTION, with extension">Image Name</img> on your source code where you need it, my explanation was obviously not in depth so headover to www.htmldog.com or the website I gave above and it should explain to you.
  5. tronyca

    tronyca Guest

  6. Adnel

    Adnel Guest

    I am creating my own website using Microsoft Frontpage 2003 but I don't know how to put a shorter name on my website. For now my website name is C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\DJW Fed Page.htm. I am also not able to publish my website when I click on file where it says publish site I am not able to click on it because its gray does anyone know what I m supose to do???
  7. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest


    You should'nt hijack a thread already started with your problem -- start your own -- it makes it a lot easier for people searching ! and people looking over threads to answer back !!

    Now for your problem --- cant publish your webpage ---

    Do you have a webhost ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2006

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