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Nero Vision 4 still says Vision Express 3

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by omjordan, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. omjordan

    omjordan Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    I have Nero 7 Ultra Edition installed on my computer. I am trying to use the nero vision to make dvd's. I have tried this in the past with vision express 3 and it always crashed during the encoding. I have version 4 now but when I start transcoding the window says vision express 3 and that is not what I have. I ahve tried uninstalling everything and still happens. Does anyone know why this is or why as soon as the transcoding takes place it quits. The elapsed time keeps going but the other clocks never move.
  2. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    This is odd, I've never seen or experienced this kind of issues before. Did you have a full functional Nero 7 by chance? Did you have Nero to do a custom install or full/standard installed?

    I could only suggest you get Nero General Clean Tool, run it to completely wipe out Nero 7 from your system. Restart your comp, re-run Clean Tool to clean out any left over files or Nero related products, restart your computer. Now do a fresh install of Nero 7 to see if you'll have success of getting Nero Vision 4.

    Good luck!!
  3. omjordan

    omjordan Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    I have tried the remove tool several times and still get the same message. I have just given up. I moved on to a different program to convert the movies. divxtodvd. I am in the process of converting 4 movies. Does anyone know if it combines them all into one file or seperate ones?
  4. mooks3321

    mooks3321 Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Even if it says Version 3, are you getting the features of Version 4? Or has it just not updated at all?
  5. omjordan

    omjordan Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    I think I am getting the features of 4 but when the preview screen comes up it says nero vision express 3. That makes me think it is still trying to transcode using version 3 because it has problems like 3 did. It starts transcoding then the time bars stop but the overall time keeps going but the time left never moves. What is up with that? My friend has no problem at all with this. Is it a graphics card thing? I have a pretty fast processor, 1.2ghz athlon. I also have like 15 or 20 gig free on my c: drive.
  6. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    did you do a re-boot like alkohol suggested? that may be the problem? when i updated mine (as outlined above) i have had no issues.
    is i the trial or full version?
  7. omjordan

    omjordan Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    I have tried all the remove tools and rebooted. On Sunday I tried this 3 times and it never fixed it. I uninstalled nero, rebooted. THen ran the clean tool, rebooted. Installed Nero7 deluxe and rebooted. I then tried the nero vision and still the same result as previous versions. Does anyone know why the transcoding stops? I have never had any problems with Sonic when I was using it but it didn't allow for me to change the aspect ratio. Always burns at full screen.
  8. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    by any chance do you still have InCd installed? if so, use the clean tools to remove. it conflicts with other programs, such as sonic, roxio, and a few others.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2006
  9. omjordan

    omjordan Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    I am not sure. I will check when I get home. If uninstalling nero and using the clean tool doesn't remove it then, no, i didn't remove it. Is it listed in the add remove programs?
  10. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    no, its a manual delete.. try it and see, then get back to me/us !!

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