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Discussion in 'Resource center' started by TickleHer, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. TickleHer

    TickleHer Guest

    Hello, im not sure if this is the correct place to post something like this but I am looking for software that downloads pictures off of web sites. I have tried one but it keeps all pictures on thumbnail form. Is there anything that will downloads thumbnail images at their actual size?
  2. i_suck

    i_suck Guest

    right ckick and click save image as.
  3. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    if you click on the thumbnail and it takes you to the bigger picture save it like that. if there is no link to a bigger image then there is no bigger image and you will only be able to get the thumbnail.

    ps - right clicking a thumbnail will not help you at all ;P

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