Have had my AO5 drive for a couple of months. I have been using it exclusively for burning dvd's and it works great. However recently I tried to view a dvd in the drive and immediately upon inserting the disk into the drive my computer shut itself down and attempted to restart. It could not properly restart until I took the disk out of the drive. It continues to work perfectly when burning dvd's BUT if any sort of pre-recorded disk or a software disk is inserted it immediately shuts down the computer. I have tried to find a support number to call for help from Pioneer but to no avail. Could anyone please help or point me in the right direction to find help? I would greatly appreciate it!
This same thing happened to me the other day. I did 2 things upgraded my firmware and stopped using that stupid cineplayer. It has not happened again.
I just loaded 1.30 firmware in my A05 and windows every once and awhile will go to the blue screen of death. Did you fix your problems?
It would be very hard to diagnose your problem without actually having access to your computer. What I would do is revert firmware back to one it came with. format my HD re-install XP and do the fw upgd again. but hey thats just me.