I have a HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B and was having trouble burning 8x DVD's. I have updated the firmware to HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4082B E204 but i am still having trouble. I use Nero Vision Express and this is what happens: I import the movie, let it transcope and then just as it's about to burn i get this message "there is not enough space to burn this complilation, Please insert another disc that has enough space". I know for a fact that the DVD's i put in are blank and before i burn the capcity of the project says something like 4.24 of 4.38gb used. I have been able to burn movies this way before but i have to knock the quality way down to like 2.3GB(Superlong play) or lower wich dosn't make any sence to me when the movie is less that 2hours. So i should be able to fit more on a DVD Right for Standard mode? Dose anyone know what the problem is?
Hi there, You said your LG GSA-4082B has firmware E204. I assume you made a typo and you have A204 right ? If it's the case, your firmware is way outdated, since the latest for this drive is A209 ! http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1796
They are downloaded movies off limewire. That's not typo, the update i got was E204 just yesterday. So you think i just need to update it to A209?
They are downloaded movies off limewire. That's not a typo, the update i got was E204 just yesterday. So you think i just need to update it to A204?
Hi there, I am no expert on firmware and LG drives, all I know, the GSA-4082B firmware all starts with "A" or unless it's a hacked firmware... All I know the latest OFFICIAL firmware for the GSA-4082B is A209 as mentioned above...