Have Sony DRU810 and using Verbatim DL DVD+R. Ripped all files from a test DVD using DVDDecrypter. Burned with Nero (initially v6.6). One of my stand-alone DVD players (Samsung HD 841) wouldn't play any of the audio; both players had problems with submenus (presumably a titleset menu). Burned with booksetting on DVD+R and DVD-ROM. No diff. Upgraded to trial Nero 7 and reburned. Samsung played audio, but both players had problems with submenu (a different type of problem). Used decrypter to dump an iso file of dvd and re-burned iso file to DL DVD. Played perfectly in both players. Seems to rule out DL DVD, burner, and players. Any ideas as to why Nero can't burn menus in way that standalone players can correctly play?? Thanks.....
Just another couple of points: Burned at 2X to ensure max compatibility. Played files on disk with PowerDVD player and all menus acted appropriately. Pretty sure files were ripped correctly. Thanks.....
is your firmware up to date check here for firmware update - http://sony.storagesupport.com/dvdrw/dru810adwn.htm peace