I'm trying to burn a DVD I make from an AVI file, using WinAVI Video Coverter. What is going wrong? I use a DVD Recorder connected through USB Serial. My Log:
a few problems i see at the moment... needs to be set to ON you have no memory left and using too much cpu for other things.. you cant muli-task or run any other programs while encoding or burning needs an update.. go here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1837 you burn is set too close to the edge, back it up to 4300mb dont know what that is? dont know this either, but windows 2k see if there is an update for nero too, looks kinda old.. and what media did you use? try this,let me know !
@yusk To add to gear79: Switch your media - vanguard is some pretty crappy stuff. Use Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim. Your also have nero set to booktype. -r's can't be booktyped. While this shouldn't cause a problem it may be w/ Nero.
I have updated my Nero and followed the instructions(driver update, change media, etc), but i still have the same problem. How can i set it on? Well, i'll keep trying. Anyway, THX a lot. I'll be back if i succeed