You are correct. Nero states on their web/download site that the software will not copy protected DVDs.
Nero itself will not sofice you also need to be running a program to remove copy protection, I suggest you download 21 day free trial of AnyDVD and then burn with Nero prog such as Nero Recode. AnyDVD is available from slysoft web site.
After searching and seeing Gwendolin's reply maybe I've found my source for a good answer. Question: Using a DVD Rom drive (as source drive for a copy protected dvd) and a BenQ DVD+R write drive for my destination) and running ANYDVD in the background is it logical to assume that I can use NERO Burning ROM or NeroExpress "copy entire disc" or even Nero Recode 2 (with the Target size limited to 4.4GB) to directly burn a copy of my Bewitched, Fog, or the latest FlightPlan? I'm strongly considering ANYDVD as the way around working with the decrypters that force me to take up more drive space even though its only temporary. Any help?