Hello, newbie here. I have been doing several avi-to-dvd sessions and some have been good some have not. The Nero Vision program is a great feature and pretty user friendly. One thing I like is the ability to add and manipulate the menu for the dvd. But I have only done two dvds using Nero Vision and both menus dont seem to funtion right. Once the dvd is done, I insert it in the dvd player, menu comes up (animated buttons are great!) but I cant seem to navigate thru the menu. It will not let me select which chapter I want...it doesn't respond. The only way I can start playing the dvd is to hit stop to quit the menu, then push play and the first chapter. Has anyone else had a problem with this. Also, one of the dvds consisted of two 45min avis. One had a resolution of 608x336 and the other of 624x352. Burned straight to dvd with Vision. Made an animated menu and only two chapter points. Again menu did not function to choose what chapter I want. But the second file had the audio out of sync. It starts of ok, but gets really bad later. What would cause audio sync problems? The avi plays just fine in my pc, but out of sync on dvd. Regardless of what the problem is, I will try a second attempt. This time, I will choose to burn to the hdd instead to dvd directly. In the mean time, can some one please shed some light on these issues. Thanks
The avi may have a video framerate or an audio bitrate that are not dvd compliant. So when nero makes them dvd compliant the video and audio may be playing at different speeds then the original avi.