I'm using Nero 7 and I’m having problems burning DVD's. I'm pretty sure it's down to the selected write speed as I can only choose either 4x 6x or 8x. The finished DVD's started to skip towards the end of the movie. I've tested the process using DVD-RW media, which will only burn at 2x and will always produce a perfect copy so you would think that burning at this speed would solve my problem. Is there anything I can configure to reduce the write speed of my recorder?? The blank media I’m using is Mr DVD DVD-R 8x
If it is skipping at the end of the movie, you may want to avoid using the outer edges of the disc. In Recode, select the custom target size and reduce the size to 4400 or even 4360. I remember reading somewhere about adjusting the burn speeds in Nero 7, but cannot find the thread. You will have to do a search on it.
IS your firmware up to date? Is you DMA on? What media are you using? Bad burns are either media or speed related.