So what does everyone think is the optimal combination of BIOS/dashboard install? I ask b/c I'm getting ready to join the few and proud modders and I've heard so much about the pros and cons of using one bios over another. I was prepared to go with a straight Evox config. (D6 BIOS and dashboard) to take advantage of the dashboard's "full" capabilities...which are what, exactly I'm not sure! But now I hear that a better combo might be the new X24976.02 w/Evox dashboard. So what do y'all think?
Im using the EvoX 1.8.3682 with X24976.02 BIOS and I have no problems.I just switched yesterday.But 3 games I was having problems with before,work fine now.Im thinking of changing yet agian to the newest beta of EvoX just came out yesterday.
i have this dashboard and bios: bios: evox d6 ejectfix dashboard: evolution x dashboard version 1.8.3285 (newest i believe) this newest dashboard supports IGR (in game reset, just hold your triggers and start and select and your xbox will reboot). i prefer this dashboard version myself.
Hey Seamonkey the newer Evox let you change the buttons for InGame Reset.The newest is .3752.It is awesome.All kinds of new features.Check it out.
Also the BIOS you have,(I had) wont boot alot of newer games.I got xecuter2 v4976.02 now and I have no problems with the ones I had probs with before.
wow.. its amazing how much you get behind when you take a month off from the modding scene.. thanks for the update boyz.. i'll check out the new dashboard... peace seamonkey420
Im using a little tiny Commercial Homebrew.The Apple-X2 it was only like 25 bucks and the BIOS is flashable.And you can turn it on and off for xbox live if you install a switch with it.Its working great.If I could go back,I would buy a Matrix cuz that seems to be the one most people have.(More Info on it) And Seamonkey...GREAT GUIDES keep up the good work.