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Hi res uncompressed avi playback problem

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by philraz, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Hi Guys
    Hope you can help
    when I try to play back uncompressed avis at 640x480 or 720x576 the y break up and jerk serverly which makes them basicly unsditable in virtual dub any ideas in want to capture these films in full resolution once converted to mpeg2 they play fine so its not the original file

    1.8 celerom 512 Sd ram 160gb Drive for capture on raid 128mb raedon video bt878 capture using iuvcr
    Thanks Philraz
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    What Colorspace are you captureing in??

    What Decoder is your system useing to Decode Uncompressed Video?? If you are just useing the Default Decoders that Come with XP you might consider Installing "FFDshow Decoder" and Configure it to decode Uncompressed Video and see if you get Better Playback...

    Have You Tried Captureing useing a Lossless Codec like "HuffYUV"?? It captures exactly the same quality as Uncompressed AVI but uses less than half the Disk space so you get Less Dropped Frames....

    Good luck

    PS: Captureing at 640x480 is a NTSC resolution and 720x576 is a Pal Resolution so one of these Resolutions should not be used depending on were you Live...
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
  3. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Hi tried with HUHYUV same problem have K-lite codec pack installed I think it includes the FFDshow decoder I normaly capture at 720 X 576 As I use PalB
    as for colorspace you've lost me, there are no dropped frames durring capture and the file plays fine once converted to mpeg its just that I want to be able to edit the avi and with it jumping and jerking during play back its next to impossible
  4. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    If color space and color format are the same YUY2
    Captures at lower res are fine
    and the same problem occurs with any large res avi even DivX and Xvid that have been uncompressed
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
  5. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well that Might be the Problem because Virtual-Dub only works in RGB Colorspace and DivX uses YV12 and your Uncompressed is YUY2 and both are in the YUV Colorspace so Virtual-Dub has to Convert the Colorspace from YV12/YUY2 which uses up a Lot of Memory and CPU which could be why it is Jumping on Playback in V-Dub especially if it happens with High res files but not with low res files....

    What Mpeg-2 encoder are you useing because Some encoders will let you edit while encodeing Like useing the "Cut Edit" and "Source Range" features in "Tmpgenc"......

    Maybe try Captureing in RGB colorspace and see if you have the same Problem and if you don"t then your problem is solved...

    And if this Problem only happens with Files that are High resolution then the problems is most likely your PC not being fast enough or haveing enough memory or Both....


  6. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Thanks afterdawn addict just did a short capture using RGB24 Still the same problem
    I have run these files on a 3.0ghz P4 1gb ram 256mb graphics with sata drives and the same problem occurs in virtual dub and other players Key frames or sound capture problems maybe found references to these on the net I capture sound as PCM at48000 16 bit 187 kb/sec
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
  7. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well On My system (3.2ghz with 1gb Ram) I have absolutly no problems playing back Full resolution Uncompressed AVI files but on My other old PC (1.3ghz Celeron 512mb Ram) I have problems with Full res playback which was one of the reasons why I Upgraded....

    You could also Do all of your editing after you encode to Mpeg-2 useing a Native Mpeg-2 editor like "Womble Mpeg2VCR" or "Womble Mpeg Video Wizard 2005" which should also work for you....

    Good luck
  8. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Hi I downloaded womble and plays my large avis fine but it is the only player on my system that does I have virtual dub, nero, wmp, Win dvd and media player classic could any of these be effecting the way these avi files are rendered ?
  9. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    hi, no I can"t see what could be affecting your Playback in this way....

    Have you Tried Captureing useing Other capture codecs Like Maybe "PicVideo Mjpeg" which is only of the Lowest CPU overhead Codecs there is...It can Capture Full resolution Mjpeg AVI Video and Play it back without problems on a P-2 433mhz PC and with the Quality at "19 or 20" the Picture Quality as as good as Uncompressed or HuffYUV but with Hapf the File size of HuffYUV and a quarter the Size of Uncompressed AVI....

    You might also want to try captureing Directly to Mpeg-2 useing a Good Software Mpeg-2 capture Program Like "InterVideo WinDVR 3.0" which should produce Pretty close to the same quality as you are getting but without haveing to encode to Mpeg-2....

    Well good Luck...
  10. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Done a bit of experimenting I captured a couple of minutes of uncompressed avi and converted it to divx5.21 and it plays fine and yet the uncompressed version jerks and breaks up both are at 720X576 25 fps and what is the difference between wombats way of rendering previews and all other players as wombat appears to be the only one the can playback smoothly I know wombat works but I really dont want to buy another encoder virtualdub, IUVCR and TMPEG suit my needs
  11. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well Womble isn"t really supposed to be used as an encoder(It is terrorably slow if you try to use it to encode a whole File), It is supposed to be used strictly for Editing Mpeg-1/2/VOB/VRO ect files without quality loss, It also supports editing Mpeg-2 files with Dolby AC3 audio.....

    I really don"t know why womble would Playback your AVI files Properly without Jumpy playback accept that is uses a Native YUV Decoder for Playback so it doesn"t convert from YUV to RGB on playback....

    You should also make sure the hardware acceleration is all the way up and overlay is enabled on your Video Card as this has some effect on Playback....

    I don"t know if I said this Before but you can also do much of your editing while encodeing to Mpeg-2 with tmpgenc...Tmpgenc"s "Source range" and "Cut edit" features will let you remove parts of the AVI Video as if you were editing it, and when Tmpgenc encodes the File it just doesn"t encode the parts that you edited out....

    Also Tmpgenc Accepts Project files from "Womble Mpeg Video Wizard 2005" so if you do your editing in "Womble Mpeg video wizard 2005" and place everything on the Timeline the way you want it and the save it as a .wbp Project file then you should be able to load it into tmpgenc and encode it to Mpeg...You have to make sure that you have the "Mpeg video wizard" VFAPI Plugin showing up in Tmpgenc"s VFAPI Plugins and enabled....

    Well that is about all The help I can give....I hope you get it worked out.....

  12. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Thankyou !!!!!! minion enabling video overlays in virtual dub made a big difference This has been bugging me for weeks and finaly an answer
  13. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well I"m glad that you got it worked out.....


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