Can anyone advice me how to activate the lightsrcibe in Nero to use the labelflash technology in Nec ND-4551A. It will be very business unwise and also stupid of NEC releasing this valuable DVD writer without appropriate aggreement with Nero for update. Please anyone, help! I've written to NEC for a suitable software to use. Can you believe this? no response from them. I might have to return the NEC writer to where I got the d..n thing anyway. Thank you all!!!!
From what I understand lableflash is in the newest version of nero 6 which is and seems to be an update of that was meant to ship with the drive but for whatever reason did not. It will most likely be in the next update on version 7 as well.
Thanks for your swift response, whompus. I just received a response from NEC tech support that a new update to Nero 7 due sometime in February will come with lableflash support. I will love to retain my Nero 7 for the updated version of Nero 6. Thanks again for your reply.
You should be able to do a full clean uninstall of 7 if you chose to. Then just use the demo of for a month.