N64 ROMs

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by Thinkdiff, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    I play the n64 games on my pc, and I didn't buy the gamecube for emulation. so there :p

    Your right about the mini dvd's. They are a lot more. The cheapest I could find the riktek ridata ones are around a buck a piece. I cut the dvds with a dremel. I find that works well, and i don't have to cut my precious gamecube.

    Oh yeah, and SNES emulation for the Gamecube? Snes9xGC Beta 2. Plays every non-3d or special graphic chipped game that Snes9x can, at full speed, with sound.

    EDIT: The snes emulator also uses DOLs so you can fit as many games on the dvd as you want.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2005
  2. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    ur right there m8 no one purchased a gamecube for emulation!! but to all who say why burn a n64 rom to dvd it does no harm to get a n64 game working 4 it flawlesly no matter how expensive a mini dvd-r might cost it is in no way as expensive as buying an n64 machine and cartridges to play on it i mean it cost me 50 cents to do mario64 on dvd how much would a carttridge version of mario 64 cost? $5-$6 i bet so in the long run its ok also mario kart works better on my cube than it does on any p.c emulator i have.retro gaming is great and the n64 to this day is one of my favorite past times and i think i speak for alot of nintendo fans when i say that.It stood for all those great classics like mario64,pilot wings,wave race(who could forget those great water effects the first time they played it!!),banjo kazooie,zelda and lets not forget everyones favorite goldeneye!!! nintendo are like the disney of computer games we need more classics like what the n64 produced...nuff said!!!!! :)
  3. Supadave

    Supadave Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    I totally agree with you Jaysun33. If there is a game you really like then by all means use a disk and make it work. I'm just saying if you plan to try and collect them all then it would be alot of DVD's to make for the GC when there are other easier methods to get the collection. I don't plan to make any for my GC because I already have them on the xbox HD and that to me is alot easier. But if GC is all you got then by all means man. Download and play some of your favorites and enjoy.
  4. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    JAYSUN33, I was reading over this thread, and I heard you say that blast corps works? If it does, that is absolutely amazing because no n64 emu I know of for the PC can play that!

    I will add all the ones you said earlier to the compat list
  5. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    yeah it would be great to have all n64 collection on one disk but for some reason the releases i currently have on dvd from various release groups actually take up whole or half of the dvd anyway i dont know why this is but they do!!
  6. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    soccer boi as for blast corps working the probable reason u could not get it working is because u need to apply an ips patch for it to work on an emulator u need a program called rtool or an n64 ips patcher tool apply the ips to the rom and it will work try puting dextrose in google search it is a site for all n64 tools and u can find the ips on dc++
  7. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    Thanks JAYSUN33, i'll find it.

    I've been expiramenting around with this tool called doltool that can convert .bin to .dol. ISO is pretty much the same as BIN right? I got it to convert to a dol, but I can't test it because my modchip is not installed correctly yet. If anyone wants the download, just post here.
  8. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    go for it ill give it a go what dol do you want converted to bin?
  9. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    ohh and soccer boi banjoo kazooie needs a crack there is one on dextrose.com
  10. beardboy

    beardboy Member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    I downloaded 42 different games and tested each one of them and only successfully got two to work. Mario Kart 64 and Wave Race 64. I've noticed people saying you need to patch them, but in which way? I used Tool64 and tested changing the byte order to Big Endian, Little Endian, and Byteswapped. No go. I downloaded rtool 3 but didn't see what or how to patch, any suggestions on what to do?

  11. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    Other way around JAYSUN33 :) BIN to DOL. I was thinking you could convert N64 gcms to dols, then you could play tons on one cd. When I use it though, it asks me the starting address, and I have no idea what to say there.
    Here's the link:
    Hope you have more luck than I do

    beardboy - you just need to download ips patches from dextrose.com, and use one of these tools:
    to apply it.
  12. goatskin

    goatskin Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    OK guys, I tried the following games using the phoenix loader trick and burning to dvd-r.
    Mario Party
    Mario Party 2
    Mario Party 3
    Paper Mario
    Yoshi Story
    Those were all the games i most wanted to play on my GC, but guess what none of them work so dont waste your time with that "compatibility list"!
    The only ones I know are working (90%) are Mario 64 and Mario Kart.
  13. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    goat skin i dont think any of those games you mentioned are on the compatibility list!!!

    and soccer boy the n64 games i have in gcm format i can already burn and play it would be nicer if you could convert an n64 rom image to dol (.z64-dol or .v64-dol)Mabey the program rtool may have some importance because i dont know if you remember the doctor v64 (cd add-on unit for n64)you needed to convert an n64 rom.z64 to doctor 64 format for it to work properly on the doctor.So...try converting a rom that does not work with pheonix from v or z.64 to doctor 64 format,patch it with ips and who knows it may work they all worked flawlessly on the doctor v64 and that was a cd unit!!!!
  14. goatskin

    goatskin Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    To quote soccerboi:

    so if thats not the compatibility list, what is?
  15. JAYSUN33

    JAYSUN33 Guest

    ahhh the official nintendo list take no notice of that mate that was just a guide from nintendo themselves just try the ones recommended by users that way u know they work!!
  16. davidian

    davidian Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    How do you burn the games to play on the Viper'd Gamecube? I tried doing the phoenix-thing, and got an ISO-file. However, Nero says that "the block size does not correspond to the image length" .. I can choose "Ignore" and burn the DVD anyway.

    So I tried this, with Mario64 .. and it seems to work in my Gamecube, well, I see the Zelda loading screen, but then it just goes black. Any idea?
  17. Quezacotl

    Quezacotl Regular member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    N64 ROMs have to patch many times too. check if it's working with emulator too.
  18. murph1083

    murph1083 Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Everytime i try to load a N64 Rom, it goes through half the zelda master quest loading screen then the command propmt just shuts down and it stop loading....anyone have an idea why?
  19. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    try patching the rom (find one @ dextrose.com) then try burning it again.
  20. similian

    similian Member

    Apr 1, 2005
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    Hello everyone !
    I tested about 50 n64 games.

    The following games did:
    Zelda OT (perfect)
    Star Fox 64 (perfect)
    Mario Kart 64 (some gfx bugs)
    Smashbrothers (gfx crapped)

    Zelda MM (savegame stuck on start)
    Mario Party 2 (savegame stuck on start)
    Dr Mario (savegame stuck on start)

    Mario 64 (freeze with a white stripe on the bottom of the screen)

    The other games didn't even load.
    (Bomberman64, Bomberman64 2, Yoshi Story,Mario Party,Mario Party 3,MegaMan, PaperMario, Excitebike64 .. and a lot more)

    I did't get that IPS patching thing !
    I'am using the "PSO EP 1&2" method. No modchip no burning!

    I heard something about "Jurai's N64 rom loading tools" which are able to play ALL n64 files. Anyone here has more info about that ?


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