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PC vs Xbox

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by TheReturn, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Can you compare PC games and Xbox games (compare games available on both system like Halo)? If so, which system is better?

    I never have PC games before. And I want to know how much approximately for a PC to run all games.
  2. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    well in some ways, pc is better however, in others xbox is better...

    good- you can use cheats and trainers :), there is a huge selection available, you have easier network play, the mouse is easier to use in fps and real-time strategy
    bad- you have yto worry about system requirements and other running processes

    good- no need to worry about sys requirements or available system resources, can have up to 4 players on one console without loss of performance, more portable
    bad- ... (i dont know, i dont have and xbox)
  3. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    no contest

    ones built specifically for playing games... the others not

    its like comparing a PS2 with a DVD player
  4. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    ooh ooh ooh, i know the ending of that story, the dvd player wins...

    but n e way sypher, was what i said correct ?

    see, i dont have and xbox or ps2 or n e tin i gots me good ol pc.
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I can guess it will cost a lot more than xbox if I build a pc for games. I will stick with xbox than. LOL.

    Thank guys for your inputs.
  6. treezy

    treezy Regular member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    I'll pick a PC over console anyday.
  7. CTProDiGy

    CTProDiGy Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    It really depends what kind of games you like. Pc is only good for first person shooter.

    Xbox, very versitile, but has some bugs here and there.
  8. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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  9. dejahboi

    dejahboi Regular member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    Yeah, pc usually targets FPS, Stragedy based games, RPG, and etc..., man i went from PS2 to Gamecube then to XBOX then to PC...so yeah i started to play alot of pc based on FPS games such as CSS and BF2... and also moddifying games, is like one of the fun things you can do on pc.... but the fact you gottah have a Good pc...its worth it...
  10. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    I would say PC. Some have mentioned costs, but I can play on a CRT at 1600x1200 resolution, or my LCD monitor at 1280x1024. Even if you spend a couple thousand on a HDTV with 1080p you are still not get comparable graphics quality out of an Xbox, though the 360 will come closer.

    I don't really care for First Person Shooters, what I play on the PC is RPGs. I don't know of anything on the Xbox that is like Neverwinter Nights or Fallout or Baldurs Gate (not Dark Alliance Diablo clone), and RPGs that they have released such as Morrowind do not have the expansions unless you buy the entire game again as the Game of the Year edition nor the user created content and levels. I have yet to see a decent RTS game on any console and don't know of any MMORPG for the Xbox except FF XI.

    Where the Xbox and PS2 shine are racing games or sports games. The Xbox doesn't have many platformers like the PS2 with Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper, but platfomers are another genre better suited to a console. I just can't get used to a controller for what FPS I have tried on a console, would much rather have a keyboard and mouse.

    You wanted a direct comparison, of games available on both pc and xbox, so for RPGS you have:

    Morrowind - as mentioned earlier, no expansion or user contect on Xbox

    Arx Fatalis - game is pretty much the same, I still feel it harder to control with a game controller than KB/Mouse. Graphics quality is much better on PC

    Fable - PC version has better graphics, also PC version has additional content not in the Xbox version

    KOTOR - Extra content on PC version

  11. theridges

    theridges Guest

    thats wierd i hate play fps on my computer never really liked it since i grew up on goldeneye for n64 instead of doom on the comp.the only games i play on the computer are strategy based games like command and conquer,star craft,and the old war crafts counter strike was ok but couldnt get into it...it just depends on if u want to play games for xbox or if you want to play games for the computer and which you prefer which will probably be xbox since your used to it TheReturn....
  12. Neoncat

    Neoncat Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Strange ppl, strange ppl indeed. PC kinda owns any konsole. Why? I could tell you thousands of reasons why, but I think 5 is enough for now.

    1. Memory, theres only 512MB memory in 'high end' consoles. And on pc theres about 1GB memory atleast on nowadays computers. Blaa, blaa windows takes atleast 256MB and so on? You can count those out of GPU memory(which is about 256-512MB for now) Less memory means less stuff in games.

    2. Console is piece of crap after its lifespan is over. How about PC? With PC you can do other things too or you can update your hardware. It will cost just about the same amount as consoles from shop.

    3. Not so innovative games. Consoles have fps, sport games, rpg games... and all are like each others.

    4. Capitalism! Who can make console games? Only those big companies that have enough money and respect to get SDK for consoles. Small companies and own programs on consoles are no no.

    5. Consoles are hurting other gamebusiness seriously! Because they are so versatile? NO! Because gamemakers make games for consoles and then port it to PC. Whats wrong with that? First you have to play games on PC that takes only 64MB memory(Xbox games) and have loading breaks on every footsteps. And you can't even speak about textures, when you see what consolegame looks like on pc.

    Ugh... It is so nice to play fps on consoles, because you don't have to have any skills to play those. Did you know that every fps on consoles have aid for shooting? Yes it moves your crosshair just nicely on enemy.
  13. theridges

    theridges Guest

    ok i am real sure halo has autoaim lol idiot im a gamer if i wanted to play fps on the comp i would owne in them as well i played counter strike and whooped that game also battle 1942 they are to easy for me though.....
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Shit, I miss a lot of posts. Since I'm very busy with hacking xbox. I have read all of your opinions. I still say Xbox is better than PC in saving money for games.

    With a modded xbox, you can get free games from usual place. Or you can rent them for a couple of dollars and put them in hdd. This saves you thousand of dollars.

    I dont know that you can mod your PC or not. How do you save money on games? Can you dl or rent games and back them up or put them in hdd? The answer is NO. That costs you thousand of dollars if you buy a lot of games. Even though, PC has better graphic and fps.

    Conclusion: Xbox is still better than PC.

  15. theridges

    theridges Guest

    who buy games for any system anymore the pc games i had were back-ups downloaded from torrents lol....i havent bought a game since halo 2 dropped.....
  16. dejahboi

    dejahboi Regular member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    TheReturn (Senior Member) 16. February 2006 @ 16:38
    Shit, I miss a lot of posts. Since I'm very busy with hacking xbox. I have read all of your opinions. I still say Xbox is better than PC in saving money for games.

    With a modded xbox, you can get free games from usual place. Or you can rent them for a couple of dollars and put them in hdd. This saves you thousand of dollars.

    I dont know that you can mod your PC or not. How do you save money on games? Can you dl or rent games and back them up or put them in hdd? The answer is NO. That costs you thousand of dollars if you buy a lot of games. Even though, PC has better graphic and fps.

    Conclusion: Xbox is still better than PC.

    One...Yes i know about xbox mod, such as xecuter or xenium ice... but the thing is theres limit to that..I mean my friend has a modded box, but there certain games you can't dl to your HDD... PLUS OMG, PC CAN BACK UP GAMES, SLASH DL games ...(torrents ;p) haha, n yeah, n also you
    cant go LIVE with a modded box, unless you wanna be lonely or either you play on xbconnect, where mods go, which kinna lame kuz everyone cheats there(people who dont have skill)...and plus you still have to spend all kines to MOD your box to a certain point where it fits your need, And with a pc...man, you go BEYOUND with it...so spec wise... PC WILL RAWK THE XBOX and games, majority of it you can play online free, instead of buying live...well...that all i have to say....i HAD TO BACK UP ALL THE PC GAMERS from this console dude.... KUZ PC RAWKS!!!oh yeah forgot, PC burns xbox games too HAHAHA...so forget the renting, and stick to pc..ITS A ALL IN ONE
  17. theridges

    theridges Guest

    wow little newbie dude just to let you know you can go on live with the new modchips for your info you just disable them when you want to play live,lets add a few more posts to aD before you get on here and start talking with senior members and addicts.....
  18. Neoncat

    Neoncat Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Haha, thanks for the laught.

    And with PC you can do that without even modding anything.

    If you stay legal, console games cost more than pc games, because its the only way to get money back for selling consoles cheaper than to get em on the market.

    And sorry, I was so busy to make own games. (Check the links below if youre interest in. Signing for beta tests will be available before summer. Or I hope so.)
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Woow, a lot of feed back. OK we save money on games for both PC and Xbox.

    In an other fact, how many of you have actually played games on both PC and Xbox? What do you think about System link on Xbox? Well it is great. YOu can set a local area network for 2-8 xbox in the garage. Shooting, racing, sporting (like Football, Basketball, etc) with your friends are great. Does PC do this?

    If you want to talk about Live, xbox are great like PC.

    As we all know PC does more things than Xbox. So why do millions of ppl buy Xbox instead of PC?

    Well, I gotto experiment to play games on both PC and Xbox myself. I will tell you what are the actual differences.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2006
  20. Neoncat

    Neoncat Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    On PC its usually 2-16(Or 32, depends on game.). Some games support even more. Or you can do it over internet without getting your computers on the same network. Or you can make wireless network ring with your neighbour buddies.

    Btw, on PC you can play all earlier consoles games(snes,ps1 and so on). Plus you can play ps2 games or even arcade games(Those games that you might have played in shopping malls.) Theres also xbox emulator coming. Can you do that on xbox? No... :)

    For example you can use mame for arcade games.

    Because they wan't it to be easy. I liked nes,snes and other consoles back to then. They didn't affect anyhow PC games like nowadays consoles.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006

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