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Please Please someone help My Poor Rivets!!!!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by stevepre1, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. stevepre1

    stevepre1 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I Just acquired a Xecuter CE solderless modchip. While I was trying to install the Wireless adapter and "rivets" I noticed that there was no place for the "rivets" to go. From what I understand, there is supposed to be about 12 holes to put the "rivets" in so the adapter can be installed. I've looked at many different sites and at many different pictures and they all suggest that the holes should already be there. The holes in this place, on my xbox motherboard are filled in. I'm at my wits end. Please someone help.
  2. bappyjaro

    bappyjaro Member

    Feb 6, 2006
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    I believe the chip you have is for xbox v1.6 only

    If yours is older then it may not fit.
    Find your box verion and check what the chip is designed for.
  3. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i have also heard some of the rivets may be filled in and u may have to heat them up and remove the solder....
  4. stevepre1

    stevepre1 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Does anyone know how common this problem is. I know I have a version 1.1 xbox and I made sure to get the right chip. I find it kind of odd that the site I bought it from didn't mention anything about this spacific problem. Also I have checked many instructional guides online and they all show pictures for the version 1.0-1.5 to have the holes for the rivest to go into. If anyone is good at soldering, and be kind enough to guide me through this process, you can email me at stevepre76@yahoo.com or you can give instructions in the forum, which would be informative to others as well. Thanks
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  6. stevepre1

    stevepre1 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Hey thanks for the site, but one of my major problems is that I don't know what parts that came with my original executor 3 that I will not need if I have the solderless adaptor. I am looking on the website you gave me and it doesn't show anything on how to install the mod chip or what parts to discard from the original executor 3. If someone out there can tell me how to get this less than easy mod chip on my junky old version 1.1 xbox I would be greatly indebted to you.
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  8. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i think you have the wrong kit for your 1.1 you might be able to remove the solder if you know what your doing but if you are new to soldering i wouldnt try it because there is a risk of overheating the motherboard and i doubt you have the right stuff if you dont solder
  9. stevepre1

    stevepre1 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I have checked and triple checked. Everything matches up but the "rivets". I am going to attempt to just melt out the solid material that is filling the holes. If this sounds naive, and I'm totaly going the wrong route please let me know. If anyone knows a good site for a beginer to the world of soldering, like a what not to do kind of thing that would be awsome.
  10. cearel

    cearel Guest

    alrightman i wouldnt do it if i was you desoldering is complicated esspecieally if you havnt done it before i have done it and it is not too hard once you get the hang of it if you really want to do it i would go to a radio shack and tell them what ur doing and they will set you up with exactly what you needlike desoldering braid and a iron
  11. stevepre1

    stevepre1 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Man this sucks! I wonder why the manufacture or the distributer didn't mention a thing about this. So what I'm gathering is that this is not a common problem or they would have most likely had a contingency. Well I'll take your advice and go to "radioshack", and I will learn to solder. It's like marraige no man want's to do it but we all finally submit to it's faul stench. For all those like me that stumble on to this check your mother board before you buy a chip. Thanks to everyone for your help.
  12. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yea man no prob good luck i think you will be alright and you wont have to put to much money the braid is like $6-7 so once again good luck
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2006

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