I'm looking into setting up a DVD Duplicator... Nero can easily support for DVD duplication purposes, but I wonder if it can duplicate for lightscribe labels too? Has anyone ran across any options for Duplication with lightscribe? I also wanted to know if Nero will detect if the burner is of lightscribe type, or would I be limited to using the version of Nero bundled with the burner?
There are a number of threads on lightscribe - you can use the search to find them. I'm not certain about what you mean by 'dvd duplication', but any of the lightscribes (there are differnt models of 'lightscribe' burners) should come with software and I can't speak for all of them. HP lightscribe comes with nero 6. When you install the (lightscribe) burner, and then the nero software that comes with it - nero will detect the lightscribe burner and automatically configure your nero software for the lightscribe. All other nero functions are the same. In other words, you will have menues specifically for using lightscribe labeling. It has 'copy dvd' if that's what you're referring to.