Burns suddenly don't work...

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by LuvMovies, Feb 12, 2006.

  1. LuvMovies

    LuvMovies Member

    Aug 22, 2004
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    We've been using DVDShrink, DVD Decrypter and Nero for burning DVDs for quite some time. Every copy has worked in any of our three DVD players (all different brands). A friend gave us a PAL formated DVD and asked if we could copy it for him. Since this time, the DVDs we burn work in one player but not the other two. We get a disk error or a no file found error. We originally thought it was our Sony burner and replaced it, only to learn the replacement does not solve the problem. We borrowed an external burner and have been able to burn some DVDs but now that seems to be failing as well. We've tried switching brands of DVD +R's (Sony, TDK, Memorex, Fuji and Office Depot) but the problem persists. Could something be wrong in our settings with Shrink, Decrypter or Nero? Any help would be greatly appreicated.
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Your best bet is to post the last log from nero (failure preferably and from the drive your will be using).
    For nero 6 the logs can be found here: c:program files>ahead>nero>nero history.log. For nero 7 here c:program files>nero>core>nerohistory.log
    Be sure to edit out your serial # - they begin w/ 1A
    The are also separated by ====*** NeroApi History File *** ====

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