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new DVDRB, CCE and AVIsynth user

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by chris_j11, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. chris_j11

    chris_j11 Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    dvdrb pro
    cce 2.50

    i'm new to this dvdRB scene, anyhelp will be appreciated

    what avisynth filters do u guys always used, no matter what type of
    dvd (movie or episodic), how much compression and w/ or w/o extras
    the filters mentioned here is good enough = http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial_advanced_page_3.cfm
    or are there better one here = http://www.avisynth.org/warpenterprises/

    also right now i'm using the latest dvdshrink to remove the cover and extras and edit the movie to remove the opening and closing credit before i use dvdrb
    will i have problem w/shrink and is there a way so i can prevent any problem using shrink
    or should i learn how to use dvd-fab/decryter and remake now to not waste time w/shrink
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2006
  2. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    I rarely use filters kinda a special occasion type deal!

    I like flux smooth! when there is severeblocking but even that is rare!

    on most dvd's the filters will degragate the film more than it will help there are many filters w/ differnt effects some can add watermarks if you would like to author an encoder w/ a trial version or advertise on a video presentation or there is a filter to crop a movie to make it full screen instead of wide screen!

    but mainly filters are only needed to try and fix a certain effect!

    play around w/ some when you get an opportunity! you will be the only one that can tell you what you will preffer!

    as far as double processing using shrink I don't reccomend it! remake can be a handy tool but I think vobblanker has all the features you will need and is free!

    or go pro and use rebuilders built in segment editor!

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