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Kazaa .bin files

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by ESuarez, Apr 12, 2003.

  1. ESuarez

    ESuarez Member

    Apr 12, 2003
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    Ok I have searched for ages but am still confused:

    I downloaded several .bin files.
    They had no cue file so I made my own in notepad which looked like this:

    TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

    I burned with nero and everything looked fine.

    However, I always get problems with insatllation of the new cd's. Usually error messages saying a certain file is damaged or something like that

    I tried using a program to convert one of the .bin's to an ISO, then extracting the contents to my drive and installing from there, but the same error happend.
    Is this beacuse the downloaded .bin is messed up or what? If so is there software that can repair damaged .bin files etc?

    Surely its not just a case of repetedly downloading the file until you get a working one? At 700+mb it seems crazy!

    Mant thanks for any help
  2. shogun847

    shogun847 Guest

    When you download things on Kazaa you will see a few of those, I have, Just redownload it and it should be fine. But I am not sure if there is a way to fix it so dont just delete the file
    yet, some one else may know how to fix them.
  3. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    If the image is corrupt there is no way to fix it. You can check it before burning opening it with CDMage and perform a 'Scan for Corruption' (Action menu).

    A couple of warnings:
    1) if the image is protected the burned game will not install, unless you follow the correct procedure, shown in:

    2) if the image is protected by Safedisc, CDMage might find errors even if the image is not damaged (damaged sectors are part of the protection). But if you 'locate' them you'll see that there is no file associated to the dammaged sector.

    I would suggest to always perform these two checks (Protection detection and Scan for corruption) on any unknown image, before burning.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2003
  4. ESuarez

    ESuarez Member

    Apr 12, 2003
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    Thanks, very useful but....

    I have a two .bin software package, alas I used Nero to burn the first image then deleted it.

    After the advise here, I used Alcohol to make a .bin file from that Nero created CD. Then I used CDmage to identify any problems: it came up with a few low and few medium errors: all with 'content of sector not yet identified.' However, since I found the protection was SafeDisc 2.8 (using ClonyXXL) I assume these errors are to do with that.

    My question is can I simply take this new .bin file that originated from the Nero burn and reburn it using Alcohol? (I tried mounting the image and then running the install process from this mount, but the same problem occured...does this mean the file is genuinly messed up?)

    Sorry for the convoluted post, I am still very green with all this burning stuff
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2003
  5. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    No, sorry, you can't.
    Nero burning lost some info. Otherwise, the Nero copy would have worked, don't you think? ;)
  6. ESuarez

    ESuarez Member

    Apr 12, 2003
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    last question!!

    So basically, follwing a scan with CDMage of a bin file, if any errors are found then

    Use "locate content of sectors"
    and if it identifies the error is in a particular file e.g. 'of the file DATA2.cab' then it DEFINITELY means the .bin is corrupt and its a case of downloading it again?

    Basically then the only time errors should be in a .bin or .iso is when copy protection is present and in that case the errors will not be in any file within the image when 'locate content of sectors is used'?

    A thousand thanks!
  7. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    You are correct. Safedisc2 protection errors are located in empty sectors. Error in file.xxx means that the image (or the original CD) is corrupt.

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