I have just created a divx file from a dvd using, using the "Convert DVD-movies to AC3 DivX using Gordian Knot" guide on this site. However i was expecting to get 5.1 surround sound out of this and it has produced what sounds like a stereo output. I followed the guide exactly except that i only ripped the dolby digital and the video streams intially so i wouldnt get mixed up. The sound file that dvd2avi produced was called gladiator AC3 T01 3_2ch 384Kbps DELAY 0ms And according to windows properies is an mpeg file and not a .ac3 as the guide says. The resulting divx plays in windows media player fine but in divx player 2.1 the sound is out of sync, to fast and has a repetive beat in the background. My main problem is the lack of 5.1 any help much appreciated!
I feel kind of stupid now - i realised that i have intalled ac3 filter to decode the ac3 but i was trying to change the settings within windows media player. I went to control panel> ac3 filter and changed them there before starting wmp and it works fine. Still problems with divx player though. Hope tis helps anyone else who is stuck