How do I Softmod Gcn and if I softmod my gcn, will it only be able to play backed up gcn games or also emulators and other things like that....
There are multiple ways to soft mod a GC. I'm not going to tell you how, since I haven't done these myself and there are more than enough topics on this board already that you can read for yourself. However, I will tell you what some of the different soft mods are. -Max Drive Pro Evo soft mod -Action Replay soft mod -SDLoader -PSO exploit Soft mods can play anything mod chips can, and provided you use GCoS or ninjamod with it, you can use an equivalent of nearly all their features as well. So yes, back-ups, emulators, etc. will all work fine.
i would recomend either the max drive pro or SD loader method to soft mod the cube, i use SD loader on 2 of my cubes and it always works great, the reason i like it is that it is relitavly simple and the SD cards can be used to hold more than just the GCoS bios you can put emulators, homebrew games, and homebrew soft ware on it as well. the only reason i would cose max drive pro over this is you cant game save to the SD card... but either SD or MDP are great softmod alternatives, PSO method is hard and outdated AR+ altered memory card is good if u know some one with PSO and the BBA to put the file on there but if u dont then dont bother..
well so would be the BBA with ur logic i mean what are u suppose to mod it with hopes and dreams? basically softmodding is a way of playing back ups without voiding the warranty or getting a mod chip soldered to the motherboard.... there is no other way of softmodding the cube other than with a modified memory card or BBA
nope its not like the PS2 but it is similer with the SD loader u use action replay as a boot disk to get to the SD card and run an alternative bios to run burnt games
The problem there is you'll probably have to void in order to open it up and adjust the pot value, to get your discs reading.
If 10% of GC pirates don't have to adjust their POT, that isn't "most". And as it is, the number of GC units that can handle even RiDATA discs without adjusting the POT are relatively few.