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PAL and NTSC Stanhdalone?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by zenarrrow, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. zenarrrow

    zenarrrow Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    I have a number of friends over seas who send me dvd's but they are in the PAL format. Can you buy a Standalone dvd player that will play both and if so what do I need to look for? Thank you ---zen-->
  2. clouser

    clouser Guest

    if you live in america get the

    cyberhome ch-300

    the all region hack is
    menu,1,9 a the stop icon will show up for the menu botten and the 1 but after that hit 9 and a menu will pop up scroll to the region option and hit enter till 0 comes up hit menu butten and youl have a region free multi-format dvd player
  3. clouser

    clouser Guest

    by the way this players like 36 bucks a wal-mart.
  4. zenarrrow

    zenarrrow Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Cool, that's right in my price range : )

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