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Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by bagz69, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. bagz69

    bagz69 Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    First of all i am a newb at modding and stuff..I have a xbox that i tried to soft mod with mechassault..i ended up deleteing the dashboards among a bunch of other stuff...i also have a nother xbox that is softmodded....i dont have a clue how to fix the one if someone can send me step by step insructions that would be sweet ty
  2. shark3226

    shark3226 Guest

    i have the same problem but i red from this guy he said that he has the same problem as me and u and he had forza motorsport and left the game on acsidentaly for a day the next day he ejected it and it had the original ms dashboard back im gonna go rent the game and try that in a sec u could try 2
  3. mishifus

    mishifus Guest

    ok..wen u lost ur dashboard.wus it modded or not?
  4. bagz69

    bagz69 Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    it was modded when i lost the dash
  5. shark3226

    shark3226 Guest

    just get a chip and it will b all better thats wat i did

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