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Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by tracie28, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. tracie28

    tracie28 Guest

    Hi, I have a DVR Tuner that I purchased with my HP Laptop. I really like it but have been really annoyed with the fact that I can't put movies I record off of premium channels like HBO or Starz on DVD because they are copyright protected. Anyway I recently discovered DVD Shrink for backing up my movies. I know this has the capibility of removing the copyright too. So I'm wondering will DVD Shrink work to put movies on DVD that I record onto my computer using my DVR Tuner from Premium Channels ? Seems to me like it should work but I don't know for sure. Has anyone tried this ? Hope this is okay to post here. I'm not trying to do anything but record my movies soley for myself for future viewing pleasure :) I can't understand why these channels are trying to make it so difficult when this has been done for 30+ years on VHS. Mercy, if I pay ever month to have them channels I should be able to record stuff off them, right ? Thank you very much for any help anyone can offer.

  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    No it wont work because for the they are Different Types of Copy Protection.....

    The DVR Streams are Probably Protected with a FR flag or some Form of analogue Macrovision or DRM were DVD Shrink works mostly with CCS Encryption and DVD Shrink only reads DVD Files.....

    As of Last Year all Satilite and PayTV Broadcasts must have a Built in RF Flag which limits what you can do with the Recorded Video Streams and all Hardware Has to be able to detect these RF Flags....

    If you Had an Older Capture device you could Probably record the Shows and Put them on DVD because the Older Capture devices do not detect the RF Flag(Somesimes called a "Broadcasting Flag")....

    You can read up in Broadcast Flags here:



    PS: Analogue Capture devices are no affected By RF Flags only Digital Capture devices to you Could Hook your Set Top Digital Reciever to an analogue Capture Card and record the Shows no Problem but the quality would not be as good as the Original...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2006
  3. tracie28

    tracie28 Guest

    Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate that. It may not be worth all the trouble but I sure do think it's pretty stupid. That's a technical term, lol. I could see if I was recording then selling them, well I guess that's probably why they don't let you record. I'm sure some people would sell them....damn. Anyway thanks again I was beginning to think noone was listening :---))


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