I have a pioneer dvdrom not sure of model its installed in computer at the moment and cant see. It wont play +r/rw media is this with all dvdroms? im new to dvd burners and stuff but never though it being +r/rw would make a huge diffrence on a pc dvdrom. Help thanx! StRaNgE
I really can't think of a dvd-rom drive thats even fairly current that can't read dvd+r's, and I'd would lean toward saying that there is definately a problem with the drive and unless its a silly software problem, the drive should be replaced. I suppose that if the drive were VERY old, like 2X speed and one of the first drives on the market, then it might not be able to read dvd+r's. In either case(except the silly software one) you should probably replace the drive, they're really cheap now anyway.