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Soft Mod HDD Unlocked

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by kingwest, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. kingwest

    kingwest Guest

    ok here it is, I unlocked my softmod xbox hdd with configmagic. Now the problem is is that i am geting error cod 05,I even when i try to boot with the cd drive and i found out that i can't boot the hdd with out it being locked. Can i lock my hdd with or with out my computer and if so how can i

    Thanks west
  2. DsfnctPnk

    DsfnctPnk Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    wow dude, thats pretty crazy we posted with the same problem around the same time.

    Now if only we could get some help.
  3. chicopato

    chicopato Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I got the exact same problem!

    i'manidiot.com edited by ddp is my msn adress.. add me there would you?

    Would love to get som help if you guys have found it. And if i find it first i´ll share?

    Damn me for being curious!!! oh how much i regret unlocking it! i had the softmodded xbox not even 24 hours before i unlocked it.. *lol*
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2006
  4. DsfnctPnk

    DsfnctPnk Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    yea ill definitely let you know if I find anything out, man. ive posted in a couple forums but nothing good yet.
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Yes, you can lock it back if you know hdd key and eeprom. Then use xboxhdm to lock it.
  6. chicopato

    chicopato Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    The Return
    Have you any experience of it? if so, mind helping in any way if possible?
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    No I dont have experiences with Xboxhdm. But I know it can lock the hdd in softmod for sure. For more instruction, you have to read the tutorial. I have 1 on my page, just follow the link in my sig.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2006
  8. DsfnctPnk

    DsfnctPnk Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    yea seriously i just fixed my xbox. xboxhdm is the way to go. the tutorial that helped the most was xboxhdm for dummies at xbox-scene. first off if you didnt back up ur shit then ur screwed, what i mean by that is when ur in evox or slayers and u choose the selection backup C:/eeprom or whatever it says. thats where i got confused, people would ask if i backed up my stuff, i just didnt know how. I backed my stuff up not even knowing what it did, it only takes like 5 seconds. so if ur hdd is backed up and unlocked, you can simply:

    1) download xboxhdm(from xbox-scene is where i got it)

    2} make the cd image like the tutorial says to(xboxhdm for dummies)

    3} put the cd in your cdrom and turn off your pc...you have to boot your pc from the xboxhdm cd...(you may have to change your boot procedure from bios)

    4) unplug your pc's hd

    5} disconnect your xbox hd from your xbox and connect it to your pc as Master

    6} turn your pc on, make sure it boots from the cd.

    7) when the xboxhdm screen comes up, choose 1, after that loads, type xbrowser to look for your backup file. mine was under E:bios/backup, but others may be different. you kinda have to search for a while.

    8} when you find the text file, push F3 to view and write down your hddkey and the password and everything.

    9} reboot

    10) on the xboxhdm screen push 4, after that loads, type lockhd or hdlock(not sure which one)

    11) it will ask you to put in a password. this is where you type in your hddkey. you dont have to put in the extra zeros at the end nor do you have to put in the colons

    12) after that it's done and you simply turn your pc off, put your original xbox hd back in ur xbox and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. chicopato

    chicopato Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Punk you did it!

    Thanks for this. I got the backup files from the guy that got me the xbox so i should be able to pull it off now.

  10. theridges

    theridges Guest

  11. kingwest

    kingwest Guest

    well guys after a long week of working on my xbox, I come to find out that my xbox hard drive is dead. So now i have to start over again ;(

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