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What The Heck is a Flubber?

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by kidjedi, Apr 15, 2003.

  1. kidjedi

    kidjedi Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Evox D6 Blue...noani...huh? OK I'm going with the Evox D6 Blue...now I see that I have my choice between standard and something called "noani". Best I can see the "noani" has something to do with a "flubber" animation on start-up. But what the heck exactly does that mean? Any advantage to using one over the other? Any advice is welcome.
  2. shoez

    shoez Guest

    People call the little green blobby animation at startup "flubber" because that is what it looks like.
  3. j0mb13

    j0mb13 Guest

    Disney is rsponsible for Flubber! There was a old black and white movie in the 60's called The Nutty Professor, The professor invented Flubber. Then Disney made a remake a few years back with Robin Williams and Flubber took on the visual form that you see in the xbox boot up. Go here to get a look :) http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/liveaction/flubber/index.html
  4. kidjedi

    kidjedi Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    OK, makes sense. And yes! I do recall the flubber from the Nutty Professor and also the the Robin Williams movie from like '96 or so. Vedy interesting, M$! But I guess I'm wondering now why bother with a flubber/no-flubber BIOS release in the first place? Is it just a cosmetic option for those annoyed by the green blob or is there a technically sound reason for choosing one over the over. I personnaly like the flubber, so I would probably use that one, unless it's not sound to do so.

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