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pci tv tuner problem

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by vankirk, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. vankirk

    vankirk Guest

    whats up guys i have a recording problem. i have a norwood micro pci tv tuner card with a wireless remote,windows xp,a creative labs sound blaster audio 2 card. when i record a program it works fine,but when i go and watch it it has an iratating noise in the backround sort of like a ring. is there any settings/software/tech that could fix this problem ? thanks .
  2. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    I used to have the same problem with my old tuner. You can probably do one of two things:

    1. With a sound editor (such as the one that comes with Nero, I used to use it), find a "silent" section of the sound track (one with just the irritating noise, and as long as possible), select said section and there is a tool SOMEWHERE in noise reduction settings whereby you can tune the noise reduction to eliminate that sound profile. I forget precisely how, but I imagine you are intelligent enough to experiment a little. Copy that filter profile down somewhere. I think this is called low-pass filtering, might help find it in the tools. Cancel applying the filter, and instead apply it to the entire sound track, should sound infinitely better.
    2. Get a digital TV tuner (my eventual solution). You won't believe just how much better digital is on all aspects; picture, sound, ease of recording. I think mine is an AirStar II, I paid a bit extra for the full DVBViewer software, and I believe it is worth it. I could on on all day about the benefits, it cost about $100 Australian all up, and came with a remote control and IR receiver compatible with LIRC.

    Hope that helps a little. I'm sure there are better ways that the way I did the noise reduction, but I got tired of the idea of that pretty quickly. Another cool thing with the DVB tuner I mentioned is that I can stream the video from it... So my XBox now acts as a PVR of sorts, and it handles the HDTV format too, so no need for an expensive HDTV set top box.

    I'm sure you're bored now. Just glad that someone might have an easier time working things out than me when I had the same nagging issues.
  3. vankirk

    vankirk Guest

    thanks alot. the filtering worked. plus i think you got me sold on the digital tuner. darn there goes the hundred i was gonna spend on my brother's birthday gift. hey one more question i tied to hook up my digital cable box and nothing happened , it wouldnt even pick up the regular cable channels that i got already is it possible for me to view these channels or am i sol . thanks again.
  4. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    I've got no idea about how one would go about doing that with cable. I imagine you could start by looking at what the TV itself tunes into to receive it (ie tunes into a UHF channel like a VCR, or uses a line-in). If it is on a UHF channel, it should be tunable, but your existing TV tuner might have a second input for a line-in source (the plug for it probably looks a little bit like a PS/2 keyboard plug), in which case there should be no need for tuning, but you can then only record whatever channel the cable box is set to. You'll just need to poke around in your tuner program to switch it to line-in and you're done.

    Hope that guides you in the right direction, good luck with it.
  5. vankirk

    vankirk Guest

    thanks again

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