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ful size DVD+R or DVD-R for Gamecube and life span

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by zombie_x, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. zombie_x

    zombie_x Guest

    ritek minis never worked on my gc to well, so how come full size are better than the minis?i burned the minis at 1 times and still got many DRE's. even after i had adjusted the pot 10 times!!! well back to the point, what is better for the cube? Full size DVD+R or DVD-R? +R boots faster than the -R on my GC.

    also how much will full size decrease the motors life? i play games for about a 1/2 hour at a time and about 1-3 times a week.
  2. Stir_Fry

    Stir_Fry Regular member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    I get the same as you with the minis and fullsizes

    Quite often the data on the outside edge of disks is not as good quality as on the inside. I think I read the reason might be disk wobble as it's burnt? Or maybe the disks dye or something? You'll have to look it up. So with minis you fill the disk to the brim with data and as the 'cube is so DRE happy...

    Therefore on fullsize disks you're not using anywhere near the outside of the disks and the data is better.

    That's my theory anyway!
  3. evlspcmk

    evlspcmk Regular member

    Sep 15, 2005
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    well my moror died a month ago i used full size DVDs in it but i dunno weather it was because of the DVDs or i did something to screw it up when putting LED in the cube, but either way i use both mini and full size and i get same results with mini, i use some
    piss ant no brand ones and they work fine, but i also use ritek full size DVD and they work good so i dont know weather it was the full DVDs that screwed the motor or something else, but keep in mind that DVD unit was old and was keept on weeks at a time so it had a good run
  4. zombie_x

    zombie_x Guest

    but how much will full size decrease my motors life span? i play for a bout a half hour at a crack and only about 1-3 times a week. i have 4 full size backups and 10 minis. aslo is DVD+R better than DVD-R? these are full size.
  5. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    Wear on the motor shouldn't be anything serious enough to be worried about. I've logged at least a thousand hours using full size DVD-Rs, so you shouldn't have any problems.
  6. zombie_x

    zombie_x Guest

    i've had my cube for about 4 years now and just went to full size dvd. would mine last for a year or two?

    is it difficult to replace the motor in the drive? i have seen drives for sale for 10 bucks.

    is there any full size DVD gc cases for 20 bucks anywhere? i want one but not for 40 bucks!

    DVD-R (fullsize) Dont work on my GC at all. all that work are rw's and +R's. i don't know why RW's dont work for most people.

    is 178 good for a pot? sorry for all the questions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2006
  7. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    I bought my GC refurbished and it's probably seen a total of 4,000 plus hours of gameplay since I bought it (my brother logged pretty much all of that). We've had to replace the laser as a result of this since it stopped reading back-ups but would read originals just fine. I'd say you're fine.

    If DVD+R works fine, then just use that. The problem with rewriteables are that they have low compatibility and aren't cost effective or convenient, which is why no one bothers with them.

    You don't need to get a full case, just the top half, which I'm pretty sure you can get for $20 plus shipping and handling.

    178 is fine.

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