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Warcraft III in Virtual Clone Drive - not working.

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by Losat, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. Losat

    Losat Member

    Nov 16, 2005
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    I made an .img of my WCIII game and mounted it in Virtual Clone Drive. Mounts fine. When i try to play it, it beings up a small load screen, then asks me to insert the Warcraft III disc...

    I thought the point of this was so I wouldn't have to load and unload discs??

    Can someone help please...?
  2. i_suck

    i_suck Guest

    get a warcraft 3 crack, search on google or pm me.
  3. s3a

    s3a Guest

    use alcohol 120% to do this...the source of the game is it an original or a copy that you are trying to make run off the hdd if it's a copy then you will need a no-cd crack/patch
  4. JDaRipper

    JDaRipper Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I had this problem and solved it. Ok what you do is get alcohol 120% and do an image of the CD, (use securom *new protection to create image) then mount it. The first time, i don't know why and don't ask, it does not work, and it asks for the CD. Close the notice and try it again and it should work perfect. REMEMBER to use securom NEW.

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