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tv capture reencoding

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by scoomp, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. scoomp

    scoomp Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    i sure hope thatc this isnt a topic already discussed somewhere, but for practice i captured an old tv show from nick at nite. the quality came out absolutely spectacular!!!!!:) which is always good.

    btw iamusing an ATI TV WONDER PRO card. my biggest concern is that the 19 minute show minus the commercial was over 700 mb. OUCH :(

    that is want i do not like. since i have seen episodes of shows like the simpson on various websites at 171mb. i do understand that those maybe captured thru digital and not analog. was wondering if there was anyway of compressing this down without tearing up the quality.

    also the settings were set for dvd high quality becase anything less was CRAP and it automatically configures screen res to 740x480 or whatever.

    any knowlegable help will be greatly appreciated
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well that is about the Size of a 20 minute DVD Compliant Mpeg-2 file..

    Generally every Minute of Video should Suck up between 30mb and 40mb of Space... If you want to use these Files to make a Standard DVD then you ARE Doing it Right but if you aren"t going to make a DVD then Don"t capture useing the DVD Settings.....

    You will Find a Lot of Files on the Net that are Much Smaller and Longer But these aren"t DVD Compliant Files and if you re-encoded them to DVD Format then they would be that Big.....

    If you aren"t going to use this File to Make a DVD you could allways re-encode it to a More Compressed Format Like DivX or XViD....

    Maybe More Info on what you want to do with these Files would help?

  3. scoomp

    scoomp Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    ty very much minion, im sorry that you seem too answer all these questions about capturing. anyway the reason i kept the settings to dvd quality is that i do want to but on dvd's within time. i just feel that the 725 is way too big, which i have been able to get some of those smaller files that werenot dvd compliant and ran them thru divxtodvd and they were excellent quality. i was also wondering would i hurt my high quality capture if i took the mpeg-2 and converted to divx, and would that compress it. again later on i would end up reformatting back to dvd. i know unnessasary steps going backwards and whatnot, its just i am somewhat limited on hdd space.

    on another note. since i am capturing thru analog (coax cable) would it help me if i bought an amplifier. meaning would that solve enough of the grainyness so i could try the avi format???
  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Hi, Well I suppose you Could encode to Divx and then eventually re-encode back to Mpeg-2 But there would be quite a Large Loss Of quality Which May or may not be acceptable to you, You will have to see if the Quality is good enough for you....

    If the Signal Comeing from your Cable is Weak then a Signal Amplifier Might help but if your signal isn"t weak then It Probably wouldn"t make too much differance....

    Good luck
  5. scoomp

    scoomp Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    im thinking it is weak cuz the signal into computer and internet are downstream thru 4 or 5 splitters. so i am figuring that it is weaker than it should be.
  6. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well Yes that could definately degrade the Signal and if you are Getting a Lot of Static on the Scvreen or Video Noise then a Bad Signal could be the Cause....

    I guess you could allways Pick up a Signal Booster (They aren"t very expensive) and Try it and if it Doesn"t help you could allways Take it back....

  7. permatex

    permatex Regular member

    May 4, 2003
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    divx has been renamed with some changes to convertxtodvd.convertxtodvd is a good progran for converting captured tv movies avi files to dvd.this program encode, shrink and burn dvd.

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