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Bank buttons

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by reddwarf3, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. reddwarf3

    reddwarf3 Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    BANK BUTTONS.i have an xecuter 3ce , and I also installed a X3 Control Panel w/ LCD + Switch. I understand the left button is the chip botton, and I know that there are many different combinations for the other 4.
    But does each combo have a very specific use. If so, it would seem important to know what yhey are. Because the other night I was messing with them and now I HAVE lost my M$ dashboard. If you know anything at all, I would be greatfull for the knowledge. Thank you.
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yes they do have different combos for different banks
    "256k Bank
    Bank 1: on on on on
    Bank 2: off on on on
    Bank 3: on off on on
    Bank 4: off off on on
    Bank 5: on on off on
    Bank 6: off on off on
    Bank 7: on off off on
    Bank 8: off off off on
    512k Bank
    Bank 12: on on on off
    Bank 34: off on on off
    Bank 56: on off on off
    Bank 78: off off on off
    1MB Bank
    Bank 1234: on on off off (Set to this when flashing first time with FlashBIOS)
    Bank 5678: off on off off
    2MB Bank
    Bank 12345678: off off off off"
    if you have anymore questions go here
    you have to have adobe acrobat reader
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2006
  3. reddwarf3

    reddwarf3 Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Thank you for your repley. The info you sent me I already have, but I was wondering what bank do I need to be in for what. Why are there so many banks. If you know please let me know. Thank you very much,
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    its so u can have different bios's like u can have a bunch of different 256k bios's or just 1 2mb Bios

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