Recently my S710a has been shutting off by it self. There will be a full battery ill check to see if anyone called me then 5 mins lata ill check again and the phone will be off and i have to turn it on again. Does anyone else's s710a do this?
Mine did that, but the screen would go white for a few seconds then like restart its self, maybe your phones battery is comming off from its contacts if you drop it or something. My w600i has that problem. Hmm, if you want contact cingular, and it you dont have major scrathes, no water damage, and corrosion on gold terminals, you can get a replacement thro warrenty department, i had 3 replacement s710a's, because all my calls would cut out, and i people couldent hear me on the other line, numerous times. Ill post the number if you need it, or just dial 411 to get to cingular main customer service.