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ISO to big to fit disk

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by KC36330, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    forgive me i haven't had allot of dealings with DVD Rebuilder, i have the pro version 1.08.1 and have the option selected for a target size -5 and 'TargetSectors=2284095' but the output ISO is 4.40 GB (4,728,008,704 bytes) and thats just a tad to big for a -5 disk. any suggestions?


    EDIT: nevermind, i found the help i needed, it needed to be set to:

    CCETargetSectors=2236400 (max of 2267500)

    i had used the above setting as suggested by a few board members, but i was missinformed by those users. from the DVD-RB help file:

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2006
  2. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    thank you for posting it though.

    this should be stickied or added to FAQ imo.

    imagine if everybody thought to read the help files first =)
  3. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    you know when I first got RB..... I just followed JDobbs outline on settings, which was default....I didn't need to readjust them at all, and everythng worked out fine! I never looked back since! best encoder there is!

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