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Replacing DVD Shrink

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by h2oo, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. h2oo

    h2oo Guest

    All, Im sure this has been answered. Honestly, I have never been in this forum before, so here goes.

    I noticed some discussion about replacing DVD Shirnk with a better tool.

    What would that be? Is it as easy to use as DVD Shrink?


  2. shivang

    shivang Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    um well ur question has been answered many time but
    here it goes again

    because dvd shrink is no longer updated it woud be wise to switch dependin or ur stiuation.

    u could always try clonedvd 2 from slysoft which does the same thin as dvd shrink but it comes at a price but u can try it for 21 days.

    some people still love dvd shrink and i dont blame them dvdshrink was and still is a mad program.

    although there have been many problems with the newer titles from sony.

    so the choice is yours.

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2006
  3. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    since you are in the dvd rebuilder forum I'm assuming you meant the program dvdrebuilder. as for ease of use I think it is as easy to use as shrink, of course there will be a learning curve as is when first you try any prog.

    and there are a whole heap of bells & whistle's there for you if you like to tinker w/ the setting's

    just give it a try there is a freeware version that can call on some of the best encoders around some of which are free.

    good luck and cheers

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