help me...................please

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Talic, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    OK, just a few days ago i have softmodded my xbox with autoinstaller deluxe 4.5 N-Knave Edition using splinter cell. I went through all the steps exactly (I checked at least 5 tutorials and everythng i did was exact). I choose Dual Boot Open=Retail (NDURE) and choose unleashedX as my dashboard and everything installed completely. So i had my xbox softmodded and wanted to see what i can do on the dashboard, so like a dumbass i go to filemanager and look around in one of the drives and selected some file, it brought me to the xbox live sign in screen and all i saw was a network connection cannot be established (no connnection was connected, i didnt feel safe pluging it in at the time)it brings me to the troubleshooter, i press B and im brought to account management, new account, and network setup. so i turn off my xbox and when i turn it back on im brought back to the same exact screen, so i decided to uninstall the mod by using the exploit again. the dash was normal and things were fine. then i wanted to install evolutionX (i would have reinstalled unleashed but i thought i have already solved the problem) and im back to the same problem. so the next day i managed to get my dash back i used my softmod installer deluxe 4.5 again with splinter cell and brought back my unleashedX dashboard under singleboot. but whenever i install my dahboard under Dual Boot Open=Retail(ndure) im back to the same position again. and i always wanted to use sofmodds on xbox live (in halo 2 custom games) and i know only ndure alows that, and whatever other feature ndure includes as well. so if sumebody can plz help do so thx
    p.s. this is my first time softmodding. and i can redit this post if it isnt understandable.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    You should know that you will get banned if playing modded halo 2 on XBL. So you xbox is ok right. But it can't connect to xbox live. is this correct?
  3. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    no it cannot connect either, and i really dont care about getting banned, im using an account witch is soon to expire(i have 2 accounts) and if my xbox gets banned i know there are ways to bypass that. and no i am not going to use mods for cheating, i understand that using mods in matchmaking will have a bigger chance of being banned and i wouldnt want cheat either way.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    did you try to uninstall the softmod and connect to xbox live? did you update the ms dashboard before you installed softmod?
  5. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    yes i have been playing on my xbox live for the past week straight(Lol). and yes my original dashboard was updated. i originally had the softmods installed and could have went online with my sofmodded xbox if i didnt get stupid and screw around in the file manager in unleashedX. i just selected a file and now whenever i have DualBootOpen=Retail(ndure)installed i get stook in that xbox live screen. ill try and find out what file it was if that could help?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Yeah try to find what file is that. you can also ask azzidrain, he know more about this. He got his stickied thread here.

    When you are at the end, and you can't get the xbox works. I will show you the last option. It is dangerous but it will work.
  7. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    and just what is that "last option"? reformat my xbox???
    but yes i will check immediatley.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    no you dont need to reformat the hdd. Reinstall the ms dash, clean up all softmod files. did you back up your original ms dash?
  9. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    yes i have backedup the original dash. if you mean by uninstalling the softmod then i have done this several times already each time folowed up by reinstalling the mods under DualBootOpen=Retail(NDURE) and im always back in the same position. the only way im able to acess my modded dash is under Single Boot, i havnt tried Dual Boot, but i dont think that would matter.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    now you need to back up all C and E drive to PC through ftp. You save them in C and E folder on pc.
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    if you uninstall softmod, will the xbox connect to Live?
  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    i gotto go now.
  13. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    ok i may have found the file i have selected while screwing around in the file manager.
    -i went to the C: drive then the folder labled "xboxdashdata.185EAD00" and selected a .xip file im pretty sure it could have been Accountselection.xip


    -in the C: drive i may have choose a file called "xonlinedash.xbe

    thats the only files that i may have choose
    and yes it will connect to xbox live, if you have a gamertag hit me up mines Talic 101
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2006
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    It is kind of wierd here. After you uninstall softmod, xbox is back to normal and ok to connect to XBL. Then reinstall softmod, xbox won't connect to XBL.

    The dualboot allow to to boot up ms dash when you hit the eject button to turn on xbox. This ms dash is same as the ms dash after uninstalling softmod. But why doesn't this one work? but the other does.

    Look like the softmod is ok. The problem here is ms dash. Did you check the settings like Ip, etc... in MS dash after installing softmod?
  15. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Im not sure if you understand me corectly(sorry). but whenever the softmods are installed under DualBootOpen=Retail(Ndure) no dash appears. A xbox live screen(different then any xbl screen ive seen before i softmodded)appears. While in there i cannot sign onto live or leave the menu. However i can play games and remove the softmod. And my light is green (not red, as if it wasnt modded). This happens with bolth unleahedX and evoX. Just wanted to clarify that if you didnt understand.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2006
  16. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Oh, the ms dash does not work properly after softmod. did you try to restore ms dash?
  17. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    no, no dash at all is loading, its as if that XBL menu is set as the dash on boot(i really dont know). my original ms dash is fine, it just that XBL menu appears instead of the modded dash
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2006
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    What? how that happen? Can you do ftp after softmod?
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I think the xbox still has boot file even after you uninstall softmod. YOu have to remove completely all softmod and linux files. So your xbox become a virgin again. Then install softmod.
  20. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Yes sadly i have re-virgin-ated my xbox serverals times. and evetime i do it, it Whores itself out to my action replay and i get fucked agian. but seriously, i have done that already, i removed them from AR, and xbox, then brought them back from my pc and im back in the same position. Is there a way i can just backup all my game sves, XBL account info, and cd audio songs on my pc through ftp?" I dont have any experience with FTP, but i have all the equipment and programs(at all programs i think i need). And if i can reformat my xbox where would i get the files to do so?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2006

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